Time for another Hello Creative Kids post, where I share creative adventures that the grand-kids and I do together. Providing kids with lots of opportunities to explore all things creative is very important!! Today I am sharing our winter tree painting project using Q tips!
The grand-kids and I had lots of fun with this project. We rarely get snow where we live so we had to create our own winter snow. Painting with Q tip bundles is a novel way of painting and they had fun trying it out. We used the same tree template as we did for our Thankful Fingerprint trees.

Supplies you will need for this project are
- white washable tempera paint
- tree template (Download one here)
- Q tips
- rubber bands
- container for paint (old peanut butter jar lids are perfect for this)
- foam paint brushes ( only really used to mix paint up in dish)
Optional supplies:
- Glitter glue to mix in the paint…adds a bit of sparkle when the paint dries
- Snowman stickers
- Snowflake stickers
Bundle a handful of Q tips together and secure with a rubber band.

Then dip into paint and press gently onto the tree template. Peanut butter jar lids make a great paint container for little ones. They are easy for little hands to hold. And they also encourage using “just a little bit of paint”. With washable paint clean up is a breeze!!

Add some “snow” to the bottom of your paper. Let dry. Be sure you have extra templates because the kids DON’T want to stop at just one.

Once dry, add some stickers to your art. I found these stickers for SUPER cheap at Michael’s when they were clearing out their Christmas and winter stuff.

Didn’t they come out great?!?

And in case you are wondering what the blue pieces are on the tree trunk…well they were extra pieces in the foam snowflakes. The kids just enjoyed pulling the tiny paper backing off the stickers but hey, great fine motor skill practice!!

A very simple winter project that looks amazing. And is FUN to do!!
Want to Do Your own Winter Tree Painting?
Download your free tree template here.
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